Package-level declarations
The case sensitivity of a StringMatcher.
Acceptability criteria for a value of type T. A Matcher reports if a value of type T matches the criteria and describes the criteria in human-readable language.
The result of matching some actual value against criteria defined by a Matcher.
An object that can describe itself.
A Matcher of strings with a specified case sensitivity.
A service interface for extensions to the describe function.
A Matcher that matches anything, always returning MatchResult.Match.
Matches a char sequence if it is empty (contains no characters).
Matches a nullable char sequence if it is either null
or empty or consists solely of whitespace characters.
Matches a char sequence if it is either null
or empty (contains no characters).
A Matcher that matches nothing, always returning a MatchResult.Mismatch.
Matches an Iterable if all elements are matched by elementMatcher.
Matches an Iterable if all elements are matched by elementPredicate.
Matches an Iterable if any element is matched by elementMatcher.
Matches an Iterable if any element is matched by elementPredicate.
Returns a case insensitive version of a case sensitive StringMatcher.
Returns a case sensitive version of a case insensitive StringMatcher.
Matches a char sequence if it contains substring.
Matches a char sequence if it ends with suffix.
Matches a string if it is the same as the given string, ignoring case differences.
Returns a matcher that applies featureMatcher to the result of applying feature to a value.
Returns a matcher that applies propertyMatcher to the current value of property of an object.
Returns a matcher that applies featureMatcher to the result of applying feature to a value. The description of the matcher uses name to describe the feature.
Matches a collection with a size that matches sizeMatcher.
Matches a char sequence if it starts with prefix.
Returns a matcher that reports if a block throws an exception of type T and, if exceptionCriteria is given, the exception matches the exceptionCriteria.